Juli's Life

This is a place I can write about, my fitness, family, stories, and things I am doing.

Tag: poem

They say I don’t care.
But my pain is not theirs to bare.
They say I don’t love them.
But my pain creates chaos in my mind.
They say I am selfish.
But my mind is crowded with the what ifs and what nots.
They say I am fake,
But I am a coward to let you see the truth inside.
They say,
But they don’t know the loneliness deep with in.
They say.

I dream the best of dreams,
seeing your smile,
the smile in your eyes.
Hearing the words,
the words I wish I could hear everyday,
I love you.

Then I wake up,
remember that all I have is memories.
Memories of the past,
they play in my head like my favorite movie.

My memories will never compete,
compete with the smile in your eyes.
My memories will help me remember,
the unconditional love you shared.
My memories will help me remember,
there may be no tomorrow,
so love with everything you are today.

In Loving Memory of those I have lost, and to all those who have lost someone.
Live for today, tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Hey Big Brother

Hey big brother, Today I missed you more than yesterday, Today I realized you’re not just a phone call away. Hey Big Brother, Why did you decide to leave my side? Why was that day the day you decided to say goodbye? Hey big brother, Today I cried for you and me, Today I cried for a future without you to help guide me. Hey Big Brother I love you […]

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One Breath At A Time

Loss, How do I prepare? How do I endure? How do I continue to breath without you? Just with one breath at a time! One Breath at a time! Hurt, How to I move on? How do I remember the good times? How do I believe your gone? Just with one breath at a time! One breath at a time! Love, How could you forget how much we love you? […]

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Never Forget

You forgot how much we care, You forgot how much you care, You forgot what you are leaving behind. You forgot all the good things, in your moment of sadness. but I forgive you for forgetting. I forgive you for not saying goodbye. I forgive you for leaving us with so much pain. I can forgive you for so much more, and there is so much life that doesn’t need […]

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