Juli's Life

This is a place I can write about, my fitness, family, stories, and things I am doing.

Some days I don’t want to be so sad,
I don’t what do forget the good or the bad.
Some days I don’t want to be so mad,
I want to have patience when asked.
Some days I want to laugh,
I want to laugh with no guilt or pain.
Some days I want to read a book,
I want to read about the fairy tail life and happily every after.
Some days I just want everything to go right,
I don’t want to struggle to smile so bright.
Some days I want it to be alright to just be me.

New Years Resolution

Every year I make the same resolution ‘I want to loose weight’. It’s such a simple resolution that should be easily accomplished, but in reality it doesn’t require a lot of follow through. I think the problem with New Year Resolutions is that there is very little about being specific about what you want. For example ‘I want to loose weight’, Okay how would you accomplish this goal, my answer […]

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Maybe This Time- Chantal Fernando (Book Review)

Maybe This Time By Chantal Fernando 4 Stars **** ‘Maybe This Time’ was a captivating story that had a lot of twist and turns. Chantal Fernando did a wonderful job of creating a character that is relate able and captivating. There is a strength in the main character Summer that you can admire. Summer decided to move after her mother passes away to develop a relationship with her brother Xavier. […]

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Night Dreams

I had a dream about you last night, you were in the room where I said goodbye, Awake like nothing happened Until I asked you why? You had no answer, You did not lie, You said “I loved you”. I have no answers, I have no true goodbye, but I know in my heart That my love will never die.

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Hey Big Brother

Hey big brother, Today I missed you more than yesterday, Today I realized you’re not just a phone call away. Hey Big Brother, Why did you decide to leave my side? Why was that day the day you decided to say goodbye? Hey big brother, Today I cried for you and me, Today I cried for a future without you to help guide me. Hey Big Brother I love you […]

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One Breath At A Time

Loss, How do I prepare? How do I endure? How do I continue to breath without you? Just with one breath at a time! One Breath at a time! Hurt, How to I move on? How do I remember the good times? How do I believe your gone? Just with one breath at a time! One breath at a time! Love, How could you forget how much we love you? […]

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Never Forget

You forgot how much we care, You forgot how much you care, You forgot what you are leaving behind. You forgot all the good things, in your moment of sadness. but I forgive you for forgetting. I forgive you for not saying goodbye. I forgive you for leaving us with so much pain. I can forgive you for so much more, and there is so much life that doesn’t need […]

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Have you ever been asked what you think is the most important part of a relationship? Relationships are so complex and everyday is a work in progress. There is no simple answer to having a perfect relationship let alone a good relationship. I have recently been thinking about this due to some tragic events happening in my family. This event was so sudden and unexpected that I began to contemplate […]

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Knowing that you lost someone and understanding why you had to loose them are two very different things. I do not understand loss on any basic level, I don’t know how your brain is suppose to process loss. I feel so disconnected from my emotions I know how I am suppose to be reacting but my heart and brain don’t connect to express my feelings. When you loose someone so […]

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Momma Dove

Have you ever lost someone close to you? Have you ever wondered how to grieve for them?When the best time to bring up a loss? How to talk to someone about how you feel, that has never experienced loss as powerful as what you feel? I can tell you from personal experience that I don’t know how to answer any of these questions. Talking is over rated when your heart […]

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