Juli's Life

This is a place I can write about, my fitness, family, stories, and things I am doing.

Going Low Carb: Low Carb Pros

I started Low Carb on 10/25/2018 and I can tell you I have experienced so many positives. I would like to share the first 5 positive changes I have noticed with my body and mind.

  1. My skin has improved- I unfortunately have had acne problems all my teenage/adult life and I noticed within a week improvement! My skin used to hurt when I had a break out and I haven’t had one break out after a week of low carb. I have a a couple of pimples but no skin pain.
  2. Energy Levels- I have had problems with the mid day blues, tired, and grumpy. It affected me at work because after lunch I was not productive at all. Now after being low carb for a month and 1/2 I get bored if I a just sitting around and want to clean the house, work, and even workout. This is very unusual for me. Huge Plus
  3. Cooking skills- Not that long ago I did not try new recipes, cook meat (my husband had to; I refused, always over cooked it), or deviate from the basics. Basics meaning Spaghetti, Chicken Alfredo, and Grilled Cheese. My menu was boring and we ate out a lot. But having a new diet with so many exciting foods gave me the push I need and now I try new things and I do ALL of the cooking because I am enjoying it.
  4. My clothes fit differently (in a good way)- I hate to admit this but I refused to go up any higher in size with clothes so I wore things that did not flatter my body at all. I also do not like to shop for myself when it comes to clothes because I am in denial about my size. Anyways I have noticed that my clothes are starting to hug the right places, and leaves the room I need. My pants are actually not fitting without a belt so I know that my body is changing in all the right ways.
  5. My stress level- I am one of those people that stress just for the fun of stressing. Not that I enjoy stressing out about the small things but it seems that is what my first impulse is to stress about it and overcomplicate things. This positive could be because I decided to be a stay at home mom at the same time so I might not be as stressed because I am not working a 9-5 and worrying about the job stuff. But I have not stressed about stuff that would normally keep me up for days. First of all I just quit my job and we are on a single income during Christmas and I am not worrying about it. Even though I know we will be struggling I just think “it will work out” this is not how I normally react. Normal for me is to make an impulse decision and regret it 2 weeks later (not good). I also don’t go from zero to a hundred when I am overwhelmed its like I am stable and just go with the flow.

These are 5 of the positive changes I have noticed. I started with talking about my skin because that is really the first thing I noticed. It is easy to misinterpret these positives being because I changed my diet; of course any diet will help clear your skin if you get off the Standard American Diet and focus on what you are eating. I know I could loose weight by eating all the carbs with limitations I have lost some weight like that before and felt fine. Being on Low Carb it just so easy, I would recommend it to anyone. I want to give more positive examples because I have so many. I’m not hungry all day, I don’t have cravings like before, and I sleep better. These are just a few more examples. I can’t say I am keto because I don’t track my food I am just mindful of what I eat. Also I cook at home so I know what is in my food which is really important.

Stay tuned for more update on Juli’s Life going Low Carb!

Categories: Fitness, Journey, Weightloss

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