Okay lets be honest…Umm I had a cheat meal today (gasp).
Yep, I had a cheat meal and I don’t even feel guilty about it. (gasp, gasp).
So I will explain how I have been feeling on low carb and then I will get to the statement above. So I am on the end of day 15 and I am feeling great. I have been feeling energized, full, and I have been noticing a difference in my body. I haven’t been taking pictures but I would like to because I can feel the difference but I can’t see it. You know that whole quote “you are your own worst critic” that means that even if there is progress I don’t see it even if I feel it.
I will go through what I am feeling step by step:
Energized: This one is a little embarrassing to explain how I lived before low carb, but I think I need to explain for a complete understanding whats changed. Before with my house cleaning skills I would do the bare minimum so it didn’t stink but that was about it. Now my dishes are done on the daily, bathrooms are spotless, and laundry (hate laundry) is done on the daily as well. I am an avid reader and although this has not changed within the last 15 days I become restless so I read for about 30 min then I need to get up and do something. I read for 30 then clean a room, hang with the kids, and then start the whole process again. I want to incorporate the gym in my daily life because I feel like this will also help with my restlessness.
Full: Okay, this one is also embarrassing to explain how I was eating before. I talk like this “diet” has been for so much longer the 15 day but I can tell you I have already seen and felt so many changes. So before low carb became a thing in my life I was already starting to “eat healthy”. You know that whole 5-6 meals a day with a protein, veggie, and carb with each meal. I thought I was doing so good but I felt hungry all the time. I think this had more to do with my stress I was so afraid to eat too much. I felt overwhelmed and as a self diagnosed stress eater this made me feel like I was never full. But now since I am eating this low carb it might even be Keto because I eat high fat, low carb (I don’t really know the difference) any who I eat when I am hungry I can normally skip breakfast eat a big lunch, possible a snack a couple hours after, then I eat dinner again when I am hungry. Because I don’t worry about the portions as much I don’t stress about my food all day and I listen to my body. This makes me feel fuller because I don’t worry about ounces. I eat when I am hungry, stop when I am full but I don’t eat carbs and use fats to fill me up. Its amazing and easy.
Body difference: This one is more how I feel when I put on my clothes. I will keep it simple but when I started 15 days ago my weight was 245 lbs (fyi I only weigh myself in the morning after I do my business because I don’t want to stress more then I already am). Today when I weighed myself I was 237 lbs, I have lost 8 lbs just by changing my diet in 15 days. Also my clothes that were tight are still tight but with a little more give. I will admit I am one of those women that lives in denial about her weight and buy clothes that are the wrong size, but I will not buy a size up I just say I’ll loose weight. Most of my cloths these days are yoga pants (never did yoga in my life), or shorts that are too tight.
I can get back to my cheating on my meal plan today, and feel zero guilt. So my husbands family came in to town today and asked us for lunch. I had planned in my head that I was going to order specific to my meal plan. Here is the thing though I am really self conscious when I order so I normally order the same thing every time. We went to a Mexican restaurant today and I order chicken fajitas like always and I ate the tortillas. I don’t feel guilty about this even though it goes against everything I have told myself the last 15 days because I made a deal with myself that I would not stress about cheating I would just do better next time. On a positive note though I didn’t clean my plate, this is really why I don’t feel guilty because in the past my plate would be spotless. I was able to eat 1/2 of my lunch and I felt full and I am still full from that lunch that I ate at 1:00 and it is 11:00 at night now. That is why I am not upset, or feel guilty because I was able to control myself and listen to my body for the first time in a very long time. See its not about being perfect its about when you make a mistake you don’t let that define you. Now if I wake up tomorrow and eat cereal, or a donuts then I might need to take a step back and make different choices but right now I am taking this as a win because even though I might of fell off the wagon sort of speak I am not stress eating, or getting on the scale at the wrong time of the day and crying in my pillow because the number isn’t lower. I am stronger then I was 15 day ago and in 2 weeks from now I will be stronger then I am today. So we will take today and a win and see what tomorrow brings us.
15 day
Beginning weight: 245 lbs
Weight: 237 lbs
lost:8 lbs
Goal weight (whenever I get there) 175 lbs
Categories: Fitness, Journey, Low Carb, Weightloss
Tags: journey, low carb, Weighloss