Juli's Life

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Maybe This Time- Chantal Fernando (Book Review)

Maybe This Time
By Chantal Fernando
4 Stars ****

‘Maybe This Time’ was a captivating story that had a lot of twist and turns. Chantal Fernando did a wonderful job of creating a character that is relate able and captivating. There is a strength in the main character Summer that you can admire.

Summer decided to move after her mother passes away to develop a relationship with her brother Xavier. They have not met in person but have communicated by phone and mail. Xavier is a year younger but he is extremely protective of Summer and there connection is entertaining. Summer gets to meet Xavier’s friends Reid, Ryan, and Dash and the bod that is created between all of them is instantaneous, but there is tension between Sum and Reid. Reid is going through some stuff and keeps pushing Summer away. Summer has to figure out some other personal problems, what is up with Reid, and she gets some surprises along the way.

I would recommend ‘Maybe This Time’ because Chantal did an amazing job of building the characters to be individuals. This is a well developed story that has some surprises  that will keep you on your toes. There is so much character development and you feel like you know them.


Categories: Books, Reviews


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